The let down reflex

let down reflex

Have you been asked ‘ Do you feel your letdown?’ and think to yourself… what the hell is she asking me? Well lets chat all about The so called Let Down reflex.

Caring for your Newborns Cord

newborn care consultation

Many new parents feel scared and overwhelmed when caring for their newborn in the early days so don’t worry, you are not alone! The umbilical cord is one area that’s causes many anxieties for parents.

Mastitis: New protocol – What you need to know.

Mother with Mastitis

Mastitis is inflammation of the breast tissue and if left untreated can lead to a bacterial infection. The updated guidelines now indicate that mastitis should be considered as a “Spectrum of conditions” as per Academy of breastfeeding Medicine ranging from blocked ducts to oversupply, bacterial infection and abscess.

5 Amazing ways our Breastmilk changes!

lactation consultant

You may be reading this with your little one snuggled against your chest after filling up an a yummy breastfeed and thinking WOW, I never knew that about breastmilk. Parents will hear about the benefits of breastfeeding but actually not realise just how incredible our breastmilk truly is. A living, ever-changing liquid that has the ability to adapt to the individual needs of your infant is truly astonishing.