The Complete Breastfeeding Journey

The Complete Breastfeeding Journey


Build your confidence and feel empowered when starting out on your breastfeeding journey and right through to the end after taking my in-depth breastfeeding course. This course not only educates you on what to expect in the early days, but also discusses many other elements of breastfeeding as you continue past the newborn phase.
When you purchase the Complete Breastfeeding Journey course you will gain access to two courses,  “Preparing to breastfeed & Beyond Course” and “Weaning From Breastfeeding Class”. See below for more details on each of these courses. 

The complete breastfeeding journey consists of:

Build your confidence and feel empowered when starting out on your breastfeeding journey and right through to the end after taking my in-depth breastfeeding course. This course not only educates you on what to expect in the early days, but also discusses many other elements of breastfeeding as you continue past the newborn phase.

What's covered in this course:

Watch the introduction video on this page. 

In this module we cover,

  • Day 1 and 2 After Birth,
  • Your Milk Supply, How it Works,
  • Second Night Syndrome and Engorgement.

In this module we cover,

  • Latching and Positioning
  • Latching Demonstration
  • When to Switch Breasts
  • Breast Compressions
  • Breast Compression Demonstration
  • How to Tell if Breastfeeding is Going Well
  • Positioning and Attachment Download
  • How to Achieve a Deep Latch Download

In this module we cover,

  • Cluster Feeding
  • Weight Issues
  • Colic and Reflux
  • Foremilk V’s Hindmilk – What’s The Difference?

In this module we cover,

  • Tongue Tie
  • Nipple Shields
  • Nipple Shields Download
  • Fast Let Down
  • Low Milk Supply

In this module we cover,

  • Beyond the Newborn Phase – What to Expect
  • Return of Your Menstrual Cycle – How it may Impact Breastfeeding
  • Breastfeeding and Routines

A final note from Katie. 

This new online weaning from breastfeeding course is the first of its kind available in Ireland.

Over the years, I have had an increasing number of consults relating to the weaning process and this led me to create this unique Weaning from Breastfeeding course. I too, was one of those parents who felt completely lost and overwhelmed when I tried to stop feeding my 3rd child. After a really lovely breastfeeding journey, I was ready to stop but my son had different ideas. I didn’t know where to turn so I started researching and educating myself. I have now put my knowledge and experience (professional and personal) together to create this content so you can have an easier journey.

Deciding when is the right time to wean is completely subjective and unique to you and your baby. However, weaning can prove more challenging than when starting out breastfeeding and so should not be dismissed. Weaning slowly not only allows baby to accept this transition easier but also allows your body time to adjust to the drop in demand.

If you are considering weaning or know it’s coming in the not too distant future, then this course is for you!

Maybe you are in the throes of weaning and struggling, feeling lost and confused – then this course is for you too.

What's covered in this course:

Watch the introduction video on this page. 

In this module we cover,

  • Reasons why you Might Want to Stop
  • Misinterpereting When Baby is Ready to Wean
  • When is the Right Time

In this module we cover,

  • Gradual Weaning Under Six Months Discussed
  • Bottle Introduction/Refusal
  • Bottle Introduction Download
  • How to Drop a Feed
  • Bottle Types
  • Formula Types and Volumes

In this module we cover Your Body.

In this module we cover,

  • Gradual Weaning Over Six Months Discussed
  • One Year and Into Toddlerhood

In this module we cover Abrupt Weaning.

In this module we cover,

  • Sleep and Breastfeeding
  • Issues Mom may Encounter
  • How Weaning may Affect Your Emotions

A final note from Katie.